On a side note, I have come across this great zipper bracelet. I am off to the fabric store tomorrow to get my supplies. I will post pictures as soon as I get it dome. This is going to make great Christmas presents!! Here is a link for the tutorial. Now I just have to figure out how to make a cuff out of it.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I need another room....
Now that my craftyness has taken off and I have some new found loves I have realized that I need more space. But, that is nearly impossible unless we move, and I don't think that Jason will agree that the need of a craft room is a reason to move. So I am stuck in the dining room...or my bedroom so I can watch t.v. while I sew! I am busting at he seams with stuff and its driving me insane!
On a side note, I have come across this great zipper bracelet. I am off to the fabric store tomorrow to get my supplies. I will post pictures as soon as I get it dome. This is going to make great Christmas presents!! Here is a link for the tutorial. Now I just have to figure out how to make a cuff out of it.
On a side note, I have come across this great zipper bracelet. I am off to the fabric store tomorrow to get my supplies. I will post pictures as soon as I get it dome. This is going to make great Christmas presents!! Here is a link for the tutorial. Now I just have to figure out how to make a cuff out of it.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Haloween '09
This was by far my favorite Halloween!! Ethan was at the perfect age to enjoy it to it's fullest. I was literally sweating trying to keep up with him. He ran and ran and ran.....and was in bed my 8:00!! Perfect, since the neighborhood bonfire started then as well. Jason and I were able to go and enjoy some fun with some neighbors!! Sophie did great as well....but that is to be expected. She is so chill! She only went to about 5 houses, not that she was ready to go home but it took about 2 hours to go to those 5 houses because she wanted to walk ALL BY HERSELF!! So I just did a ittle dropoff with Jason at the house and she helped him hand out candy!! All in all it was a great night!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Creating memories with Nana
Nana Lott is always good at doing special things with the kids. So they made Halloween candy. It was so fun and the kids had a blast. Sophie had to have everything that Ethan had and copied him to a tee!! We love these specail moments with Nana.....thank you!!
Please ignore Ethan's eyebrows...he had on Halloween make-up the night before and wouldn't let me take the black make-up off his eyebrows!! Gotta love the independence!! Oh and doesn't Sophie have the sweetest face in this picture?? I love it!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pumpkins, Pumpkins and more Pumpkins!
We had a great weekend. After a few days in the mountains with Jason and some friends, we came home and took the kids to the pumpkin patch. Well, our version of a pumpkin patch. A local church sells pumpkins to raise money for their church group, so we go every year to support them. I love this time of year!! Ethan decided that he would paint his and then we displayed them in the front yard.
We are planning for Ethan's 4th birthday at the end of November. Its going to be a bowling party, which I am excited about because this will be the first year that I really don't have to do anything but write a check and and get a cake. I super pumped about that.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
okay...I am offically obsessed!
I am loving making this bag....it has taken over my life!! I love having this "ME" time!! This is one of my fav fabrics....my mom has already laid claim to it. I will be pumping more out this week!!
Be sure to look for them soon at the Ace Hardware in Statesville!!
We also had a great time at my nephews Spook Trail this past weekend. Ben is 10 years old and along with his buddy, Conner, they cleared out a trail in Ben's backyard a created this awesome Spook Trail. They took money as well as donations to the Clemmons Food Pantry. They collected over $100 and about 10 bucketfuls of canned food. We are so proud of those 2!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I fininished the bag!!
I have actually made 2 now and they are absolutely adorable. I hope that you all like them. I just ordered another bigger bag pattern so i am ready for that to come in and get started on that. Oh and I picked up some beads to make another necklace today....will post pictures later!
We went to the State/Duke game last weekend and we had a great time tailgating but the game was awful.....We lost to Duke. Terrible! Ethan also had his first tailgating adventure with Papa and ben and Jay. They went to the Wake/Maryland game and Wake won....woo-hoo!! They made it to half time, which I think is pretty good.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What a wonderful weekend...we had a great surprise 60th birthday for my dad. We had planned on having the party outside but the weather did not cooperate, and my dad had the yard plugged the week before, so we transformed the garage for the party, we rented tables, chairs and linens and had the food done. The garage has never looked so good!! The weather was not ideal but it worked and was kind a nice with the rain drizzling outside. The most important part was that dad had a great time and was excited that we did all this for him!!
I started making drapes for a girlfriend of mine....3 cafe curtains and a sink skirt. I will post pictures of the finished products!
I also got my fabric in for the purses so I hope to start on those next week!! YAY!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I finifshed the necklace!!
So I finished the necklace and it turned out great, its not exactly like the LV one but I still like it!! I was so easy to do but took about a hour. I will say that I had to play around a little to get it finished. I just ordered some new fabric so I am excited to make one with brighter colors. I already have 2 neighbors that want one!! YAY!!! I posted a pic of the final product!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Our Little Star....
Ethan has started his first ever sporting event.....Soccer!! It is hilarious...let me tell ya. They have 30 minutes of practice and then 30 minute game. They basically run around in circles while there crazy parents jump around on the sidelines!! Ethan does pretty well during the practice but about 15 minutes into the game...it was meltdown city. But I still think that is pretty good for a 3 year old to make it 45 minutes. We are super excited about soccer and look forward to many more games. I will keep you posted.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New project!!
Most of the people close to me know that I LOVE to sew. I have never taken a proper class....and now I think that I should....I am pretty much self taught. I will examine curtains and pillows to see how they are made and then I attempt to make them. After reading an old friend, from high schools, blog today, I am inspired!! I am itching to go to the fabric store right now!! But I have a hair appointment at 4....and by that I mean that I am doing someones hair!! My other LOVE!! HAIR!! Sooooo, after Jason get's home tonight I am going to run to the fabric store and purchase fabric to make this knock off LV fabric necklace. I will post pictures later of the finished project. But here is the tutorial if anyone else is interested!! Doesn't it look fabulous!!
Anyway, I just learned that my old friend, Gina Lapiejko Allen is selling her bags at Hip Chicks in Clemmons, her bags are called GinaBean. It is one of my most favorite stores....so go check it out and her bags!! Super cute!!
Anyway, I just learned that my old friend, Gina Lapiejko Allen is selling her bags at Hip Chicks in Clemmons, her bags are called GinaBean. It is one of my most favorite stores....so go check it out and her bags!! Super cute!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
A wonderful week!!
We have had a great week at the beach with the Lott's. We had 3 houses and lots of wonderful family around!! To start off with there was Nana and Papa Lott, Kristen and Mike and thier 3 kids; Ben, Jay and Sarah; and Jason and I as well as Ethan and Sophie...and last but not least Jason's Aunt Laurie and her family from Philly. Oh, and my parents came down for 3 days!!
We had wonderful weather and the kids had a blast....there were enough of them to keep each other busy. And I have to say that this has been a pretty low key summer for the LKN Lott's, so running all over the beach and back and forth to the houses wore me out and I was asleep by 9:30 every night. It was a bit of a surprise to the rest of the crew, as I am usually one of the last ones up. I will have to say that it is nice because I actually got plenty of rest and felt rejuvenated when we got home. So here are a few pics from thr trip!!
On Sunday we went to Dick's and got all of Ethan's gear for the upcoming soccer season. This is his first season playing and we are so excited!! I am sure that I will have more pictures and post about it in the future!! Now I am on to preparing for the preschool year. This will be Ethan's 3rd year and Sophie's first. I am looking forward to having Monday's and Wednesday's all to myself...well, for 3 hours, that is!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
This has been a much better week!!
My mother in law, Linda, saved me last weekend and gave me a three day break. Thanks, Linda!! It was wonderful!! And ever since Ethan has gotten home...it has been great!! We have had our usual meltdowns but over all....GREAT!! My girlfriend Melissa came last night to get her hair highlighted and after Ethan fell asleep on the couch and I carried him to bed, she said..."I don't know how you do it!", And I said 'What?", and she said,"All the questions that he asked!" She couldnt believe it. I said,"this is normal for us...I guess that I am used to it." But he does ask A LOT of questions, usually about nothing. And I try to make them the shortest, easiest answers possible. It seems to help!! He is just a very curious little boy and had to know exactly how and why of everything!! Can't fault him for that!!!
We had a wonderful weekend after Ethan came back. Chuck and Linda brought him back and Kristen and her kids came down as well. We went on a boat ride and beached the boat on one of the islands and let the kids swim. It was fun for the kids but as anyone knows who has ever been out on Lake Norman, the lake floor is very slimy and muddy!! YUCK!! So for us ladies we were very squemish!! ( is that how you spell it...hummm????) But all and all it was a great day!! Then on Sunday we had a family fun day a went to the mall and furniture shopping. The kids probably didn't love it as much as J and I but they survived. Ethan got to play at the mall play area....which I have avoided like the plague....but his daddy thought that it was a good idea to let him climb all over that germ infested place....but he loved it...and was Lysoled down when we got home!!
I wish had pictures from both excursions but I dont....hopefully next time I will remember!!
So I feel energized and ready for a fun week at the beach!! I will surely have pictures from that!!
We had a wonderful weekend after Ethan came back. Chuck and Linda brought him back and Kristen and her kids came down as well. We went on a boat ride and beached the boat on one of the islands and let the kids swim. It was fun for the kids but as anyone knows who has ever been out on Lake Norman, the lake floor is very slimy and muddy!! YUCK!! So for us ladies we were very squemish!! ( is that how you spell it...hummm????) But all and all it was a great day!! Then on Sunday we had a family fun day a went to the mall and furniture shopping. The kids probably didn't love it as much as J and I but they survived. Ethan got to play at the mall play area....which I have avoided like the plague....but his daddy thought that it was a good idea to let him climb all over that germ infested place....but he loved it...and was Lysoled down when we got home!!
I wish had pictures from both excursions but I dont....hopefully next time I will remember!!
So I feel energized and ready for a fun week at the beach!! I will surely have pictures from that!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Can someone help me, PLEASE!!
This has been the week from....well, you know where. Not sure why, but apparently it is in the stars because my sweet sister-in-law, Kristen, is going through the same thing. Whew..makes me feel better!! Anyway, this is the scenario. Ethan has become my boss, a very controlling boss...plan and simple. Here is a typical conversation....Mommy, can I go outside?....yes, but you need to put a shirt and shoes on!...okay, go get my shirt and shoes!....No!, you get your stuff!...NO!!!! you get it!!...NOOOOO!!! you get it!!...And so on and so forth!! So I am not sure if this is just the mind of a 3 1/2 year old...I tell myself that but I know that it is really not true, its just my child.
I can take the bossing around for about 1 day...and then I am over it!! I don't just roll over and take it, I try to correct the behavior. Tell him not to talk to me like that...time out, take toys away, wooden spoon...none seem to work, for very long, that is! So this is the advise that I get...be consistent, stand your ground, don't let him boss you around. Well, I do those things and it's just plain HARD!! Ethan is an extremely active child. Loves to play, I love that about him!! He does not watch a lot of TV, or sit and play. He wants to be outside running, skateboarding, things like that!! I think that it is awesome, I love that he is so active. But when it comes to being quiet and having some down time....its like another child takes over. He all of a sudden becomes this child that cannot do anything for himself and needs constant help. Which we all know that he does not...when he is outside doing what he loves he is completely independent!! So you might say, well keep him busy and playing. Well, easier said than done. There is this one other little thing called his sister, Sophie. Who takes naps eats lunch and dinner at the same time everyday..is on a complete schedule!! So its the balance between the 2 that comes into play. For me its not a hard concept to grasp, but for a 3 year old...is devastating! So here I am STUCK..with no real direction!! Keep doing what I am doing is what's going to happen. Oh and Kristen is going to do some research for us...
My sweet Mother-in-law, Linda is taking ethan for 3 days....HALLELUJAH!! She sensed that I needed a break. Thanks God for family!!
I can take the bossing around for about 1 day...and then I am over it!! I don't just roll over and take it, I try to correct the behavior. Tell him not to talk to me like that...time out, take toys away, wooden spoon...none seem to work, for very long, that is! So this is the advise that I get...be consistent, stand your ground, don't let him boss you around. Well, I do those things and it's just plain HARD!! Ethan is an extremely active child. Loves to play, I love that about him!! He does not watch a lot of TV, or sit and play. He wants to be outside running, skateboarding, things like that!! I think that it is awesome, I love that he is so active. But when it comes to being quiet and having some down time....its like another child takes over. He all of a sudden becomes this child that cannot do anything for himself and needs constant help. Which we all know that he does not...when he is outside doing what he loves he is completely independent!! So you might say, well keep him busy and playing. Well, easier said than done. There is this one other little thing called his sister, Sophie. Who takes naps eats lunch and dinner at the same time everyday..is on a complete schedule!! So its the balance between the 2 that comes into play. For me its not a hard concept to grasp, but for a 3 year old...is devastating! So here I am STUCK..with no real direction!! Keep doing what I am doing is what's going to happen. Oh and Kristen is going to do some research for us...
My sweet Mother-in-law, Linda is taking ethan for 3 days....HALLELUJAH!! She sensed that I needed a break. Thanks God for family!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
This one is for Ashley!!
I have been getting crap from my dear friend Ashley about my blog....or lack thereof!! So here I sit reading my sweet, sweet friends blog who is battling cancer and thinking that if she can update her blog weekly and go through all the crap (sorry for the use of that word, again...but it is the best way to describe it) that she is going through (ie treatments) then I can get back on the ball with this.
So my latest annoyance it my neighbors kids!! Sorry if you are readying this Jackie....BUT!! I have never in my life met a child that inhales as much sugar as this child does....I mean, juice box after juice box, popsicle after popsicle, cookie after cookie....you see where I am going with this. But my issue is not about the fact that his parents are going to have an outrageous dentist bill one day, its that when the IV of sugar runs out at his house, where does he go you ask??? MY HOUSE!! Now I have to preface this by saying that we have a refridgerator out in the garage and its sole purpose is house drinks, juice boxes, popsicles, beer(the most inportant one, really!!), and things alike. So it is known in the hood that such things are there. So this was just the conversation that I heard while I was in my house and the back door is open.....
Mind you its 10:30 am at the time....
"Ethan, you want a popsicle?" ethan says no. "Ethan you want a juice box" ethan says no. "Ethan you want a shake,shake(this is what ethan calls chocolate milk)" ethan says no. Then not 2 minutes later here they all come in the door.....Ethan says, "Mommy, can we have a popsicle"
Hmmmm.....now I just heard Ethan say he didnt want one...so why is he now asking for one?? I will let you guess!! And maybe you are asking...Why do you care, Katie?? And honestly, I dont know. What I do know is that I want Ethan to be a very polite, respectable child. I want him to know that if he is at someone elses house and is thirsty or hungry then he knows to ASK for it in a polite way. Not demanding. And from what I have heard he does do that.....but I am afraid that through influence those things might change.
Yes, I know that this is the difficulties of raising children....having friends that are raised differently that my child. And finding a balance in the middle. I had a friend growing up that I loved playing with, her name was Jaymee Reavis. She was such a rebel....I loved being around her. Her babysitter would give us cigarettes, would let us cuss and be everything that my parents had raised me NOT to be!! But I loved being with her...in my eyes she was so cool!! Well after about a year of being her BFF my parent forbid me to ever play with her again. And that was kind of hard seeing as she was my neighbor. But so it went that we never played again. And now at almost 32 years old....I am thankful that my parents did that because fun, rebelous, cigarette smoking, cussing Jaymee is a heroin addict and has been in and out of prision since high school. I digress, sorry...well a little digression is alway the root to another story!! Right?? So where do I draw the line with these kids?? My rules and constent nagging are not getting anywhere with these kids and they ignore what I say (well let me correct myself...they obey until I am out of sight and the breaking of the rules begins)....so I am at a loss.
And may I add that its also hard to explain to a 3 year old why he cant play some days with them.....he just doesnt understand. Nor should he...they have fun together. He just has a crazy mom who cant stand it!!
So anyway...there is my rant for today!! I have another blog already brewing in my head about religion and Facebook and how they holier than thou are about to drive me batty. That may be a long one...HAHA!!!
So my latest annoyance it my neighbors kids!! Sorry if you are readying this Jackie....BUT!! I have never in my life met a child that inhales as much sugar as this child does....I mean, juice box after juice box, popsicle after popsicle, cookie after cookie....you see where I am going with this. But my issue is not about the fact that his parents are going to have an outrageous dentist bill one day, its that when the IV of sugar runs out at his house, where does he go you ask??? MY HOUSE!! Now I have to preface this by saying that we have a refridgerator out in the garage and its sole purpose is house drinks, juice boxes, popsicles, beer(the most inportant one, really!!), and things alike. So it is known in the hood that such things are there. So this was just the conversation that I heard while I was in my house and the back door is open.....
Mind you its 10:30 am at the time....
"Ethan, you want a popsicle?" ethan says no. "Ethan you want a juice box" ethan says no. "Ethan you want a shake,shake(this is what ethan calls chocolate milk)" ethan says no. Then not 2 minutes later here they all come in the door.....Ethan says, "Mommy, can we have a popsicle"
Hmmmm.....now I just heard Ethan say he didnt want one...so why is he now asking for one?? I will let you guess!! And maybe you are asking...Why do you care, Katie?? And honestly, I dont know. What I do know is that I want Ethan to be a very polite, respectable child. I want him to know that if he is at someone elses house and is thirsty or hungry then he knows to ASK for it in a polite way. Not demanding. And from what I have heard he does do that.....but I am afraid that through influence those things might change.
Yes, I know that this is the difficulties of raising children....having friends that are raised differently that my child. And finding a balance in the middle. I had a friend growing up that I loved playing with, her name was Jaymee Reavis. She was such a rebel....I loved being around her. Her babysitter would give us cigarettes, would let us cuss and be everything that my parents had raised me NOT to be!! But I loved being with her...in my eyes she was so cool!! Well after about a year of being her BFF my parent forbid me to ever play with her again. And that was kind of hard seeing as she was my neighbor. But so it went that we never played again. And now at almost 32 years old....I am thankful that my parents did that because fun, rebelous, cigarette smoking, cussing Jaymee is a heroin addict and has been in and out of prision since high school. I digress, sorry...well a little digression is alway the root to another story!! Right?? So where do I draw the line with these kids?? My rules and constent nagging are not getting anywhere with these kids and they ignore what I say (well let me correct myself...they obey until I am out of sight and the breaking of the rules begins)....so I am at a loss.
And may I add that its also hard to explain to a 3 year old why he cant play some days with them.....he just doesnt understand. Nor should he...they have fun together. He just has a crazy mom who cant stand it!!
So anyway...there is my rant for today!! I have another blog already brewing in my head about religion and Facebook and how they holier than thou are about to drive me batty. That may be a long one...HAHA!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Kannapolis splash pad
Yesterday we went to Kannapolis Splash Pad...it is AWESOME!! Not only do they have an incredible water fountain area..they have 2 huge playgrounds and a train that goes all around the park. We took our little friend, Aden, with us which made the day even better!! The boys loved it as did Sophie. I knew they would be running all over the place and they did. Sophie, I thought would like it but would stay pretty close to me. Well, I was wrong!! She was all over the place, and soaking wet!! I just wore a sundress because I really didnt think that I would be getting wet, but Sophie made sure that I did. I wasnt soaking wet but still wet!!
After about 20 minutes the boys were over the fountain area. Apparently, a daycare in the area had planned a field trip there. So, normally there are only about 10-20 kids there at a time. Very manageable. Not yesterday...there were 2 bus loads of kids there, that ranged in age from 2-5. It was crazy!! So the kids got a little overwhelmed....but the joy of that park is...that you can go to a different area play for a while and then go back. Oh and did I mention that it is only $1 per person. Yes you read that right!!
So we were all exhausted when we got home and I was ready for a nap!! But since my 3 year old no londer takes naps...I had to manage!! Now I am trying to line up playdates for this week!!
An entertained child is a happy child...and a happy child is a happy mom!!! Thank God for good friends!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Fun times with great friends!!

So went went to Clemmons last weekend for Kane's 30th birthday/"Welcome back" party. He had moved to Texas for a job and apparently hated Texas...so he is back. But as I am a person who hates to EVER miss a thing I talked Jason into going and we had so much fun!! Jason had to be talked into it a little because in his old age his has turned into quite the homebody. But, as always, he was glad that we went because we got to hang with some great friends and met some new friends. Here are some pics from the night.
Ethan's new obsession!
So Ethan has taken up a new hobby....Skateboarding!! Yes, he is only three but it does not help that our 2 neighbors are 14 and are serious skateboarders.....so Ethan follows!! So far I have been pretty impressed with him, he watches the other kids and tries a few thing and before you know he is up and riding. He obviously gets his athletic skills from his dad...who was the all-star athlete in high school. Not to say that I am not athletic but I am in no way a comparison to his dad!! But the one thing that I have to say is that ethan thinks that he is invinsable and refuses on a daily bases to wear his helmet.....so the arguing ensues between him and I. But as I write this blog I am staring at a nice knot and scab on Ethan forehead, he got a little up close and personal with the garage floor. Although it was scary and Ethan cried, I knew from that moment on that the helmet issue would be a non-issue. And I was right...not only does he wear it every time but it is the first thing that he grabs. Ahhhhh....such a relief!!! One less battle to battle!! So stay tuned for more, I am sure that I will writing about a broken arm or leg next month!!! Happy Skating!!
Where should I begin with sweet Sophie?!? She has been the biggest joy of our lives and the biggest heartache of our lives. The first week of November 08, she was diagnosed with ITP, which is a disorder where her body was attacking her platelets, and she had an extremely low platelet count. So long story short...she is almost fully recovered and we hope that the Hematologist will release her next month. It has been a long few months with one 3 day stay in the hospital and one 3 day outpatient treatment, and weekly visits to the Hematologist. But through it all she has been a trooper. She has hit all of her milestones and is still thriving everyday. She is truly happy and content all the time and unless you knew of her illness, you would never know there was anything wrong with her. I will say that having seen some very sick children at the hematologist, and their families, I am thankful that all Sophie had was ITP. I love having a little girl...dressing her....and putting bows in her 3 hairs!!
This is Ethan...he is 3. What can I say about him.....he makes me smile beyond belief, he is absolutely the cutest most adorable child. He has a amazing at everything he does...which on most occasions scares me because he will try anything once. He loves to jump and jump off anything. I see broken bones in my future! He loves balls, firetrucks, cars,tools and anything his dad likes. He loves to dress like Jason and insist on having the same clothes that he has. He is probably the most compasionate 3 year old that I know. He is always concerned about any child, or adult for that matter, that is upset, crying, hurt or in distress. Now with all of his great qualities he is still just a 3 year old and with that comes tantrums, stubborness, and lots of yelling.....from both of us. However, he is the light of my life and I am so blessed to have him as my son.
I am breaking down and doing it....
As everyone who knows me well knows that I love to talk and so I have decided that I need to channel my chattiness into a blog. We will see how it goes! Not sure that anyone cares about what I have to say but I am sure that it will be therapeutic for me!! That's all for now...I will write more later when the mood hits!! :)
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