Monday, January 18, 2010

4 years and no ear infections....til today!!

I have taken pride in the fact that Ethan has never had a ear infection. I thought....what a blessing!! But a blessing no more!! Ethan has a little cold for about 2 weeks...just the typical runny nose and mild cough. But last night was the worst night since he was probably 18 months old. He woke up twice before midnight. And the second time, he was awake for about 2 hours crying that his ear hurt. It was MISERABLE!! For everyone. BTW, does anyone have a good home remedy for those late night ear aches? I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do!

But alas, he went to the doctor today and low and behold...ear infection. So we go to the CVS and get his prescription filled...and you know what it was?? Amoxicilin, nothing great there...but when I opened the bottle out came that ole smell that I remember well....Bubble gum!! Which btw, I am allergic to now...I learned that in college when I broke out in hives!! but I digress....anyway we are on our way to recovery. So far Ethan has gotten out of the bed twice but hopefully that was the last.

PS, as I type this I am watching 48 hours Hard it!!

and on a side note.....Yesterday was my mom's birthday. She came to visit us today and I gave her her present and card. It said...HAPPY 60th!! Problem is...she is 59. OOPS!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope E is feeling better soon. Jake had an ear infection once. I remember it was awful! I can't remember if Will has had one or not. I didn't get them as a kid but when Jake had his right before his 1st birthday, I had a double ear infection myself! It was weird because it is not like they are contagious! They do hurt terribly though so I'm thinking about him!
