Yesterday we went to Kannapolis Splash is AWESOME!! Not only do they have an incredible water fountain area..they have 2 huge playgrounds and a train that goes all around the park. We took our little friend, Aden, with us which made the day even better!! The boys loved it as did Sophie. I knew they would be running all over the place and they did. Sophie, I thought would like it but would stay pretty close to me. Well, I was wrong!! She was all over the place, and soaking wet!! I just wore a sundress because I really didnt think that I would be getting wet, but Sophie made sure that I did. I wasnt soaking wet but still wet!!
After about 20 minutes the boys were over the fountain area. Apparently, a daycare in the area had planned a field trip there. So, normally there are only about 10-20 kids there at a time. Very manageable. Not yesterday...there were 2 bus loads of kids there, that ranged in age from 2-5. It was crazy!! So the kids got a little overwhelmed....but the joy of that park is...that you can go to a different area play for a while and then go back. Oh and did I mention that it is only $1 per person. Yes you read that right!!
So we were all exhausted when we got home and I was ready for a nap!! But since my 3 year old no londer takes naps...I had to manage!! Now I am trying to line up playdates for this week!!
An entertained child is a happy child...and a happy child is a happy mom!!! Thank God for good friends!!